Sponsored by Diocese of Cleveland
Powerful Talks
Powerful Talks
Inspiring Catechesis
Father Patrick Schultz - Diocese of Cleveland
Sister Mercedes, OP - Dominican Sister's of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor Michigan
Jackie Angel - Speaker / Singer / Songwriter (Ascension Presents)
Damascus Worship
Every leader has to acknowledge that their primary identity is in Christ, that they are first a son or daughter of Christ.
Young Adult leaders grow in community. They grow by being a gift to others, by sharing their talents to help create thriving young adult communities that support a culture of authenticity and love. It is through Christ-centered relationships that they get to experience Christ and grow in Christ.
We are called as disciples of Christ to go out into the world and bring the fire of Christ to everyone you encounter. Rooted in Christ, young adult leaders are called to offer the gifts they have to go out into the world and set it on fire.
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
Breakfast, Lunch &, Dinner
Praise & Worship Adoration